Guide Your Child to Expect Success!

A child learns to believe in his or her ability to succeed through his or her interaction with parents. There are many ways parents can “show success” into their child’s life. The following two strategies applied consistently will nurture your child’s desire to tackle life’s challenges with confidence.
Review your child’s successes with him (her) on a daily basis:
Never let your child doubt his capacity to ultimately prevail. Resist the temptation to criticize. If your child does not behave in a way that pleases you, remember that the cause of your child’s unwanted behaviour is sometimes his feelings of disempowerment and insecurity.
Help your child feel more secure! Express faith and confidence in his ability to handle the challenges of life and to select appropriate behavior the next time.
Guide your child to believe that S/he can make the best choices for each situation.
Daily affirmation for greatness:
Always add positive thoughts in your mind. My child has the power to make successful decisions and have a glorious life. His talents are so strong that I have every reason to expect success. I believe in him. My child is brilliant and amazing; his life is evolving toward greatness. I admire the way he meets challenges head on. I can trust his judgment.
5 ways to deal with your stubborn Child :
Who said parenting was easy?
Although rewarding, parenting can be equally as challenging – especially so when your child is stubborn
Although stubbornness in children is synonymous with angry toddlers and defiant teens, it can actually present at any age.
Here are 5 ways to help you deal with your stubborn child:
1. Keep CALM
Tip number one is to Stay CALM! How can you expect your little one to keep cool if your temper grows hot? Children learn by example, so don’t allow the child’s actions control yours.
It’s very important for parents to have control over their emotions. Kids, especially the young ones, find it difficult to regulate their own emotions.
2. Use distractions
Give your child something else to do.
Introduce a new a toy or game, or even show your child something new they can do with the toy they already have.
This is not to say that you should just hand your child an iPad to stop them from terrorising you or those in their company, but rather give him a task to do to constructively use their energy, such as by doing a chore to get a reward – positive reinforcement.
3-Establish a Connection
Don’t force your child to do something they don’t want to do.
Don’t breed resentment.
If your child wants to play a game and you want him to do his homework, don’t force him to read or write; it’ll create a negative association with work.
Instead, try playing a game with them for a short while, and then ask him to do his homework – it’s all about balance and finding the right equation to get the best outcome.
Consider the situation from your child’s perspective. Try to figure out why he’s acting the way he is and then take the appropriate next steps.
Begin by asking a few simple inquiries, such as, “What’s upsetting you?” “Does something seem to be wrong?” or “Do you want anything?” to elicit a
This shows them that you value their opinions and are willing to take them into account.
You don’t have to always give in to their requests when you negotiate. It’s all about being practical and considerate.
Your child, for example, may refuse to go to bed at a specific time. Rather than insisting, try to come to an agreement on a bedtime that works for both of you.
5-Lead by example
Your child may be saying “No!” To almost anything.
Consider this: do you as a mom say “No” more frequently than “Yes”? If you answered yes, you are demonstrating and reinforcing negative conduct.
The “yes game” is a great approach to change your stubborn child’s negative replies.
You know he has to say “Yes” or “No” when you ask him these questions.
Questions like: ”Do you like sweets?”
The more positive responses your youngster gives, the more likely they are to feel acknowledged and loved.